Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Export ClientComponent of Page

Set DenyAddAndCustomizePages to Disabled for modern Sharepoint sites via PowerShell PnP cmdlet

$usr = "userid@domain.com"
$pwd = "password"
$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $pwd -AsPlainText -Force
$mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($usr, $secpasswd)

$adminUrl = "tenant admin url"
Connect-PnPOnline -url $adminUrl -Credentials $mycreds      // pass credentials
$pnpSite = Get-PnPTenantSite -Url $fullSiteUrl -Detailed
$pnpSite.DenyAddAndCustomizePages = "Disabled"

We are setting Custom scripts disabled through above script. Hence we can add/upload custom css and scripts file to document library

SPO list Color Formatting using JSON

Conditional formatting using JSON in a SharePoint online list. I just tried to format my list items with some color code and here is my code by which the background color will get changed based on the item values.

I have created one list with one column called colors and I have entered some color name, so based on the color name, it will change the background color.


 Here is the JSON code to change the background color and text color as well. You can just copy and paste it.

  "elmType": "div", 
  "txtContent": "@currentField", 
  "style": { 
    "color": "#fff", 
    "padding-left": "14px", 
    "background-color": { 
      "operator": "?", 
      "operands": [ 
          "operator": "==", 
          "operands": [ 
          "operator": "?", 
          "operands": [ 
              "operator": "==", 
              "operands": [ 
              "operator": "?", 
              "operands": [ 
                 "operator": "==", 
                  "operands": [ 
                  "operator": "?", 
                  "operands": [ 
                      "operator": "==", 
                      "operands": [ 

You can add the JSON code in that particular column in two ways,
  • Navigate to list setting -> column -> then add JSON code
  • You can click the title of column in list view itself then column setting and format this column and JSON code editor will open on  the right of the screen
And the final view of the list would be like below.